Strat "Nashville" Mod $45
Internal Mod Control: Blender Pot (replaces #1 tone pot), and 3-way switch (replaces strat 5-way) Function: This wiring mod results in a unique set of pickup combinations and sounds, basically a telecaster set of sounds that you can blend together and also get the sweet strat tone. Tone Split Mod - Strat Styled $35 Internal Mod
Control: 2nd tone pot Function: This modification shifts the tone control of your Strat styled guitar so that the Neck and Middle pickup share a tone pot and tone control, and the bridge pickup is controlled by the 2nd tone control. Phase Switching (Strat Styled Guitar) $35 Internal or External Mod
Control: Push-pull pot under tone knob or DPDT toggle switch added to pick guard. Function: The phase switch mod allows a pickup to have its polarity reversed - putting it out of phase with other pickups. This leads to phase cancellation between pickups and can create some very distinctive tones. Strat With Master Tone Control $35 Internal Mod
Control: Tone circuit re-wired to control tone for all pickups Function: One tone control controls tone across all pickups / combinations. You now have an extra tone pot to use for for other mods, etc. Strat With Pickup Blending Control $45 Internal Mod
Control: No-load blend pot replaces 2nd tone control. Function: The blend pot works in conjunction with the 5-way switch in different positions to add / blend the neck and bridge pickups for different combinations. |
Micro-Tilt Neck Adjustor $45
External Mod Control: adjustment screw in neck plate Function: Modification for guitars with bolt-on necks. This modification allows you to easily adjust your guitar's neck angle without shimming. Mod includes kit installation, neck reset, and new strings. Many strats now come with micro-tilt. 4-Way Switch for Telecaster $45 Internal Mod
Control: A 4-way switch installed in your Telecaster to replace the stock 3-way. Function: You get additional pickup combinations: Bridge-Neck (Series), Neck, Bridge-Neck (Parallel), Bridge - additional sounds for your Telecaster. Telecaster with 5-Way Switch $55 Internal Mod
Control: Fender 5-way Superswitch replaces stock 3-way switch Function: A 5-way Super switch installed in your Telecaster to replace the stock 3-way. You get additional pickup combinations: Neck (normal tele), Neck-Bridge (Series), Neck-Bridge (Parallel - normal tele position #2) , Neck-Bridge (Series - Out of Phase), Bridge (normal tele position #3) - additional sounds for your Telecaster. S-1 Switching System for Strat $60 Internal Mod
Control: Multi-stage push-push S-1 switch built into the volume knob, Fender Super 5-way switch Function: A combination of these system components generate a near "endless array of pickup combinations". Strat Neck / Bridge Pickup Options $40 Internal or External Mod
Control: Push-pull pot under tone knob or DPDT toggle switch added to pick guard. Function: Turn on this mod to get a bunch of additional pickup combinations and tones, including the ever popular all 3 pickups at once. |
Fender TBX Tone Control $65
Internal Mod Control: Concentric pot (middle detent) tone control Function: With this modification - you get a noticeable treble boost mod for your Fender styled guitar. Your bridge tone pot is now a push-pull pot with the standard 250K and a 1 Meg tone pot combined - you can use one or the other to adjust your tone - this results in a wide tone variation if needed. Pickup Blender (Strat Styled Guitars) $35 Internal Mod
Control: No-load pot under the middle pickup tone knob. Function: Depending on the position of the 5-way switch, you can turn the tone/blend knob and blend different pickup combinations. Your guitar is now wired with a master volume, a master tone, and a blender pot. Independent Pickup Selector (Strat Styled Guitars) $50
External Mod Control: 3 Mini-toggle switches on pick guard (one for each pickup) Function: toggles replace 5-way switch, giving 13 different tonal (useful) sound configurations. Strat With 3 Independent Volume Controls $40 Internal Mod
Control: 3 Volume controls in pick guard (tone pots have been removed - no tone adjustment). Function: Volume control of all 3 pickups independently - for those guitarists who don't use their tone controls anyway! Neck Pickup On Switch (Strat styled guitars) $35
Internal or External Mod Control: Toggle switch (pick guard) or Push-Pull Pot (unseen) for volume or tone control Function: What this mod does is allow you to have the neck pickup on when the selector switch is in the bridge, bridge/middle, and middle positions.As those of you who play strats know, the bridge position provides the most quack and twang, and the neck provides the fullest tone. With the bridge and neck on, you'll get a little of the best of both worlds. |